Revd Dr Darrell D. Hannah, Rector
(01344 621200)



Parish Office (Julie Deane - Parish Administrator - enquiries)
(01344 884686)


Services at the Chapel of Saint Mary & Saint John


Services at the Chapel of Saint Mary & Saint John.

9:00 Mass

This service on Sundays in the chapel is a eucharist / holy communion service.  There are hymns and an address by the minister each week and it lasts about an hour. The service at the chapel provides a more relaxed setting than the main church.

Everyone is welcome.  If you are a baptised Christian and would normally receive communion in your own church then please feel welcome to take communion with us.  If not we would be delighted to give you a blessing during communion.  Just keep your hands by your side and we will know that you would like a blessing.

Please make yourself known to the welcoming / sides person if you are new.  We can offer a seat next to a 'regular' if you would like support.

After this service we join in a time of fellowship over coffee, tea or soft drinks in the adjoining Hall.  It is an ideal occasion to socialise and get to know one another better.  Please join us.


From 15th March 2024 Mini All Saints will be held at All Saints' Church on Fridays at 9.30am.




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