Revd Dr Darrell D. Hannah, Rector
(01344 621200)



Parish Office (Julie Deane - Parish Administrator - enquiries)
(01344 884686)



Barn Dance - 26th October

Put on your dancing shoes and join us at Carnation Hall on Saturday the 26th October to celebrate Harvest and God's goodness at a parish Barn Dance and Supper.  Tickets are £15 and can be purchased at the parish office and online via Paypal.

The doors open at 6:30pm, dancing commences at 7pm. 

Buy your tickets here. Adults £15, children £10. You can add additional tickets in the cart. Payment by card, you do not need a Paypal account.

Barn Dance tickets



Community Lunches

We will be hosting Community Lunches this autumn and winter. We are delighted that Hatfield's Garage are sponsoring the lunches again this year. As well as usual catering expenses, their donation covers the cost of ingredients in all the dishes we serve. The lunches are on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, beginning on Tuesday 8th October. We welcome volunteers to help before, during and after the lunches: cooking, serving and clearing up. We will need a minimum of 8 "staff" volunteers to be at the Hall for each lunch and a maximum of 10. There are sign up sheets at the Church and Chapel. For further information, please speak to Fr Darrell, Sheila Shrigley or Julie Deane.





Come to Lunch!


Join us for a simple hot lunch in a warm space



8th & 22nd October

12th & 26th November

10th December


any time between 12:15-14:00


King Edward’s Hall


King Edward’s Road, Ascot, SL5 8PD


Meal cliparts


There will be no charge


We are grateful to Hatfield’s Garage for sponsoring the lunch




Sunday 26th May 2024

We were delighted to welcome The Very Revd Dr David Hoyle, Dean of Westminster Abbey, as our guest preacher at our 160th Anniversary celebration. It was also an opportunity to bid Fr David and Dianne farewell as they prepare to move to their new parish in Cornwall. We marked both events with special cake.








Mini All Saints

Our new toddler group commences on Friday 15th March at 9.30am at All Saints Church.

For babies, toddlers and young children and their carers. Songs, bible stories and play. Fridays during school term time.

Contact for more information.












The Obituary of John Swingler, a member of All Saints in the early 2000's, and who died earlier this year, can be found here.

John was a regular member of the church band, playing the clarinet. He was also deeply involved in preparing the current church guidebook, and kindly left a bequest to The Friends of All Saints, for which we are most grateful.




As we pray for the people of Ukraine and a peaceful outcome, please consider making a donation towards the DEC Humanitarian Appeal. This will aid the agencies working to provide support for refugees in desperate need.

DEC charities are in Ukraine and neighbouring countries meeting the needs of all refugees and displaced people:

  • £30 could provide essential hygiene supplies for three people for one month
  • £50 could provide blankets for four families
  • £100 could provide emergency food for two families for one month
  • By donating to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, you'll help DEC charities provide food, water, shelter and healthcare to refugees and displaced families.



Archbishops' statement on Ukraine  - “The horrific and unprovoked attack on Ukraine is an act of great evil. Placing our trust in Jesus Christ, the author of peace, we pray for an urgent ceasefire and a withdrawal of Russian forces. We call for a public decision to choose the way of peace and an international conference to secure long term agreements for stability and lasting peace. We invite Christians to make this Sunday a day for prayer for Ukraine, Russia and for peace. We also give our support to the call from Pope Francis for a global day of prayer and fasting for peace on Ash Wednesday, March 2.”     

Archbishop Justin Welby & Archbishop Stephen Cottrell


Bishop Steven shares a message and a prayer for peace in Ukraine  on the Diocesan website

God of compassion,
Have mercy this day on the people of Ukraine.
Restore to them the gift of peace.
Grant wisdom to the governments of the world.  
Bring good in the midst of evil and suffering,
For the sake of Jesus Christ your Son,
Who gave his life to bring peace to your world.




For the latest news  about church services from All Saints (also held online via Zoom) and Parish information, please see our dedicated Service Resources page here.



Loving God,
We pray for all those who are suffering because of the coronavirus, may they know your healing power.
When we are afraid for ourselves and our loved ones, give us your strength and courage.
When we feel alone and isolated, reassure us with a sense of your presence.
Give wisdom to those in authority and may our community work together for the good of all.
We give thanks for those who care for others and ask you to bless them in all they do.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, healer and physician.


Revd Gill Wiggins

A memorial plaque was installed in the Lady Chapel at All Saints' Church on 28th January 2018.

From the Candlemas service that day -

"Candlemas is the linchpin of the Church's year, the day on which we turn from our celebration of Christmas to our celebration of Christ's passion and resurrection. Today we look back and we look forward. As we look back, it is right and proper that we should remember Gill Wiggins, a faithful lay minister and then associate priest in this parish. Gill herself would want our focus to be not on her, but on Christ.  Nonetheless, as we keep our celebration of Simeon and Anna's joyful reception of the Christ-child in the Jerusalem temple of old, it is also right that we remember and celebrate Gill's faithful service in this temple here in Ascot."

"Almighty God, we remember before you today your faithful minister and priest Gill; and we pray that, having opened to her the gates of larger life, you will receive her more and more into your joyful service, that, with all who have faithfully served you in the past, she may share in the eternal victory of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."




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